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Audio Highlights

I started making audio projects in 2019 with a submission to NPR Student Podcast Challenge. I've since received two honorable mentions from NPR and another two awards for my work with the PINDROP World News podcast. Here are some highlights!


PINDROP World News

While it remains far from reaching its full economic potential, the Mongolian mining industry is in the global spotlight as the West seeks to shore up its supply of strategic minerals. But how does Mongolia navigate the interests of the West with that of neighboring China and Russia? To discuss this and more, I spoke with former US ambassador to Mongolia, and Rector of the Forman Christian College, Dr. Jonathan Addleton.

PINDROP World News

The European Union (EU) isn't a country . . . right? As the EU brokers deals with the UK on the final status of Northern Ireland, imposes sanctions on Russia, and internally discusses how its politics should work, it certainly appears country-like. To discuss this very country-like country that isn't a country, I spoke with Queen's University Belfast Professor David Phinnemore and EU policy expert Joe Cerrone.


NPR Student Podcast Challenge, Hon. Mention

For thirty years between the 1960s and 1990s, Northern Ireland was roiled by sectarian violence. During this time, two radicals inflamed tensions and contributed to tragic destruction. Yet Martin McGuinness and Ian Paisley would come to find their portraits in Northern Ireland's seat of government at Stormont: not condemned as terrorists but heralded as peacemakers. This is their journey from fierce belligerents to friendly brothers.

NPR Student Podcast Challenge, Hon. Mention

A little-known chemist's big contributions to modern medical science, featuring my interviews with NIH Director Francis Collins, Cambridge Prof. Patricia Fara, Colin Franklin, and Laura Holland.

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